I’ve written a few books and various articles, listed here.Lately I’ve started writing tutorials online, since it seems like the best venue for the kind of material I have previously put into books. I’ve also done some videos for the ITP physical computing course, in collaboration with Jeff Feddersen.
2017 Igoe, T. Making Things Talk, third edition. San Francisco: Maker Media.
Maker Media link
I’ve written three editions of this book now, each one a major rewrite. All three featured Arduino in networking, with different models each time. This edition features a p5.js for client-side programming and node.js for server-side. The sample code for all three editions is available on github at makingthingstalk.com.
2010 Igoe, T. Making Things Talk, second edition. San Francisco: O’Reilly.
Google Books link.
This edition, and the first, feature Arduino and back end programming in PHP.
2007 Igoe, T. Making Things Talk, first edition. San Francisco: O’Reilly.
Google Books link
2014 Igoe, T., Coleman, D, Jepson B. Beginning NFC. San Francisco: O’Reilly.
Google Books link
The gitHub repository for this book contains the sample code for this book. Co-author Don Coleman has many NFC code samples and libraries in his gitHub account as well.
2011 Igoe, T. Getting Started with RFID. San Francisco: O’Reilly.
Google Books Link
This short book is a chapter from the first edition of Making Things Talk’s first edition, excerpted when we changed the RFID section in the second edition.
2004 O’Sullivan, D. and Igoe, T. Physical Computing: Sensing and Controlling the Physical World with Computers. Boston: Muska & Lipman.
Originally written for the intro to physical computing course at ITP, it was written before Arduino existed. The conceptual material is still accurate, even though the platforms are no longer used at my institution.
I’ve written a number of short online tutorials to complement some of the code examples I’ve written. All of these are stored on GitHub Pages, and have a corresponding code repository, linked from the home page of each mini-site.
Sound Examples. Started 2018. A collection of sound and music examples for Arduino. There are simple tone examples, MIDI examples, and examples for sound playback components.
Light Projects Started 2019. A collection of LED lighting projects controlled by microcontrollers.
DMX Examples Started 2018. A collection of examples for controlling DMX-512 lighting fixtures and other DMX devices, in a variety of programming environments.
Pi Recipes Started 2019. A collection of ways to do things on a Raspberry Pi.
Datalogging Examples Started 2012. A collection of of data logging examples I’ve written for different workshops on the topic over the years.
Ball Drop Game Started 2015. A game to demonstrate TCP sockets. Written as an exercise for my Understanding Networks course.
BLE Docs Started 2014. An introduction to Bluetooth LE, co-written with Don Coleman, Sandeep Mistry, and Alasdair Allan. There are many code examples to complement this in this gitHub repository.
2013 Igoe, T. Many-to-Many Manufacturing: A review of Makers: The New Industrial Revolution, by Chris Anderson. Strategy + Business Magazine, Summer 2013: pp. 99-100.
2011 Igoe, T. and C. Mota. A Strategist’s Guide to Digital Fabrication. Strategy + Business Magazine, Autumn 2011: pp. 44-53. This article won a Silver Folio: Eddie award for editorial excellence, best single article in the Business-to-Business » Technology/Computing/Telecom category.
2008 Igoe, T. Wireless motion sensing made easy. MAKE Magazine June: pp. 125-128.
2007 Igoe, T. Net data meter. MAKE Magazine May: pp. 133-137.
2006 Igoe, T. Sensor interfaces: How circuits communicate with the outside world. MAKE magazine February: pp. 160-167.