Citytech makes a wide range of gas sensors. Thanks to Brooke Singer for the link.
Technorati Tags: electronics, environment, sensors
code and fabrication resources for physical computing and networking
Citytech makes a wide range of gas sensors. Thanks to Brooke Singer for the link.
Technorati Tags: electronics, environment, sensors
The following Max/MSP patch uses the netsend object to send data over a TCP socket. It sends three values. The Processing sketch further down is a server that receives the string that the Max patch sends and uses it to move a ball on the screen.
Technorati Tags: networked objects, networks
Continue reading “Net connection between Processing and Max/MSP”
This Processing program takes a string of values in the serial port. It assumes the string is the API string from a Maxstream XBee radio. It parses the string and graphs the signal strength. See the XBee product manual for more info on the protocol.
The XBee radio in this program is attached to the computer’s serial port using an FTDI USB-to-serial module like this one from Spark Fun.
Technorati Tags: networked objects, networks, XBee
Continue reading “XBee Radio Received Signal Strength Graphing Program”
This Processing program takes a string of values in the serial port. It assumes the string is the API string from a Maxstream XBee radio. It parses the string and graphs the signal strength and the analog values represented in the string. See the XBee product manual for more info on the protocol.
The XBee radio in this program is attached to the computer’s serial port using an FTDI USB-to-serial module like this one from Spark Fun.
Technorati Tags: networked objects, networks, XBee
Continue reading “Xbee Radio Received Signal Strength and Data Graphing Program”
Here’s a short PHP script that gathers info about the browser and the IP address of the client and returns it via email. I used it to gather data on cell phone browsers, and got the results seen at the bottom over the course of a day. Thanks to all those folks who hit it.
Technorati Tags: networked objects, networks, PHP
HC Gilje’s done a nice Max/MSP patch for reading ID Innovations sexy little ID12 RFID readers. You might have to adjust the thresh value.
See also Einar Martinussen’s modules for the ID12.
Technorati Tags: networked objects, networks, Max/MSP
I got tired of the problems with the various serial server solutions for Flash, so I wrote this Processing sketch to do the job. It’s functional, but I still need to tweak it a bit. But it will allow you to connect a Flash movie to a serial port by making an XML socket to localhost in order to access the serial port. Sample test ActionScript code is at the bottom.
Thanks to Shawn van Every for the latest updates, and Actionscript 3 code.
This code reads a Devantech CMPS03 digital compass on Wiring or Arduino using the Wire library for I2C.
Continue reading “Devantech CMPS03 digital compass reader”
This code reads a Devantech SRF02 ultrasonic ranger (and probably an SRF08 and SRF10 as well) It uses the Wire library for Wiring and Arduino.
Continue reading “Devantech SRF02, 08, 10 Ultrasonic Ranger reader”
Need to write incoming bytes from a serial port to a text file? On a Unix or Linux machine (or OSX), you can do the following: