atoi() for large numbers

Justin Downs wrote this routine to convert a large ASCII number to an array, as a workaround to the size limitation to atoi().

/* code that gets serial into a array then parses ASCII array into
size restriction a long on arduino
justin downs*/

//for test
int ledPin = 13;   // select the pin for the LED
int val = 0;       // variable to store the data from the serial port
int serbyte = 0;   // variable to store the VALID data from the port

char inString[100];

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);        // connect to the serial port

void loop () {

if (Serial.available()>0){

 //end test stuff

// gets serial data into a array
long SerialLook() {
  char ASCIIString [100]; // in string
  char inByte='c'; 
  long number = 0; // return number
  int stringPos = 0; // keeps track of places in number
  if ('a' =={ // for id parsing of serial
 while(inByte !='b'){
   inByte =;

   // save  ASCII numeric characters in string:
   if ((inByte >= '0') && (inByte <= '9')){
    // Serial.println( inByte);
     ASCIIString [stringPos] = inByte;
    // Serial.println( stringPos);
   Serial.flush(); // flush junk
   number = SerialToInt( ASCIIString,stringPos ); // convert captured string to an int
     stringPos = 0; //reset count num
   return  number;

 the important parts of the function conversions
are to have a inverting for loop go
from last in array to first and call the plusBaseTen()function
each time.

// hits up the number by base ten powered
 long timesBaseTen(int _move){ // the
     long place = 1; //base 10
     int n = 0;
     if( _move < 1){ return 1;}//ones place no change
         for( n= 0; n<_move; n++){ place = place*10;}
     }return place;

// converts a ten digit ASCII to int
long SerialToInt(char *_input, int _arrayLength){
    long number=0;
    long total=0;
    int arrayLook=0;
    int i = 0;
    char s[]={"h"};    // work around
    // call invert string for proper string power order
    for(i =_arrayLength; i >= 0;i--){
     // picks out ASCII numbers for error check
            if ((_input[i] >= '0') && (_input[i]<= '9')){
             s[0] = _input[i];// work around to get string arg
             number = atoi(s);// ASCII to converts number
             number =  (number * (timesBaseTen(arrayLook))); // puts number
in its place
             total = number+total;
     return total; 