This code reads a 10-bit analog value, splits it into two bytes, and sends it out serially.
Written in Arduino, should work for both Arduino and Wiring.
/* Analog Two Bytes by Tom Igoe Reads an 10-bit analog value from 0 - 1024, splits it into two bytes, and sends the bytes out the serial port. Created: 8 Feb. 2006 */ int analogPin = 2; int val; // outgoing ADC value int highByte = 0; int lowByte = 0; void setup() { // start serial port at 9600 bps: beginSerial(9600); } void loop() { // read analog input, divide by 4 to make the range 0-255: val = analogRead(analogPin); // divide by 256 to get the high byte: highByte = val /256; // take the remainder of the division to get the low byte: lowByte = val % 256; // send the two bytes out to in raw binary form: serialWrite(highByte); serialWrite(lowByte); // pause for 10 milliseconds: delay(10); }