Data graphing program that saves to a file

This Processing sketch takes data from the serial port, graphs it, and writes it to a text file with a time stamp if there’s a significant change in any of the incoming values. It expects five values between 0-255 in ASCII, separated by tabs, and ended by a carriage return and newline.

The text file it generates is tab-delimited, and can be read easily in a spreadsheet.

A Wiring/Arduino program to send data to this sketch follows at the end.

Grapher Pro!
 by Tom Igoe
 This program takes raw bytes from the serial port at 9600 baud and graphs them.
 It expects five ASCII-encoded decimal values from 0-255, tab-delimited, ended by a 
 newline and carriage return.
 To change which of the five channels is being shown in the graph, type 0 through 5.
 When any of the values changes by more than a set threshold, the program
 writes the data to a text file called dataFile.txt, which can be found in the 
 sketch's directory.
 Created 20 April 2005
 Updated 15 October 2007

import processing.serial.*;

Serial myPort;                // The serial port

int arrayLength = 5;                        // number of values to expect
int[] sensorValues = new int[arrayLength];  // array to hold the incoming values
int hPosition = 0;                          // horizontal position on the graph
int displayChannel = 0;                     // which of the five readings is being displayed
String dataSet;                             // string holding the incoming data    
int threshold = 50;                         // threshold for whether or not to write 
                                            // data to a file

void setup () {
  size(400, 300);        // window size

  // List all the available serial ports
  // I know that the third port in the serial list on my mac
  // is always my  Keyspan adaptor, so I open Serial.list()[2].
  // Open whatever port is the one you're using.
  myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);

  // clear the serial buffer:
  // don't generate a serialEvent() until you get a carriage return
  myPort.bufferUntil('\r');  // ASCII 13

  // create a font with the second font available to the system:
  PFont myFont = createFont(PFont.list()[1], 24 );
  // make the graphics smooth:
  // set inital background:

void draw () {
  // if the value for the given channel is valid, graph it:
  if (sensorValues[displayChannel]  > 0 ) {
    // print the name of the channel being graphed:
    text("Channel: " + displayChannel, 30, 30);
    // draw the graph:

void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {
  // read incoming data until you get a newline:
  String serialString = myPort.readStringUntil('\n');
  // if the read data is a real string, parse it:
  if (serialString != null) {
    // save the string in case you need to write it to a file:
    dataSet = serialString;
    // split it into substrings on the tab character:
    String[] numbers = split(serialString, "\t");
    // convert each subastring into an int
    for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
      // make sure you're only reading as many numbers as 
      // you can fit in the array:
      if (numbers.length <= arrayLength) {
        // trim off any whitespace from the substring:
        numbers[i] = trim(numbers[i]);
        // find the difference between the current value and the incoming value:
        int diff = abs(sensorValues[i] - int(numbers[i]));
        // if the difference exceeds the threshold, write the data to a file:
        if (diff > threshold) {
        // save the new values in the array for use in graphing:
        sensorValues[i] =  int(numbers[i]);

void graph (int numberToGraph) { 
  // draw the line:
  line(hPosition, height, hPosition, height - numberToGraph);
  // at the edge of the screen, go back to the beginning:
  if (hPosition >= width) {
    hPosition = 0;
    // wipe the screen clean:
  else {
    // advance the horizontal position on the graph:

void keyPressed() {
  // if the key pressed is "0" through "4"
  if ((48 <= key) && (key <= 52)) {
    // set the display channel accordingly
    displayChannel = key - 48;
    // wipe the screen:

void writeToFile() {
  // string for the new data you'll write to the file:
  String[] newData = new String[1];
  // add a time stamp:
  newData[0] = timeStamp();
  // add a tab:
  newData[0] += "\t";
  // add the latest data from the serial port:
  newData[0] += trim(dataSet);

  // get the existing data from the file:
  String[] dataSoFar = loadStrings("dataFile.txt");
  // if there's something there, dump it into an array
  // and add the new data to it:
  if (dataSoFar != null) {
    // array needs to accommodate the old data and the new:
    String[] dataToWrite = new String[dataSoFar.length + newData.length];
    // dump the existing data from the file back in:
    for (int s = 0; s < dataSoFar.length; s++) {
      dataToWrite[s] = dataSoFar[s]; 
    // append the new data:
    for (int s = dataSoFar.length; s < dataToWrite.length; s++) {
      dataToWrite[s] = newData[s-dataSoFar.length]; 
    // dump the result back to the file:
    saveStrings("dataFile.txt", dataToWrite);
  // if there's no existing data:
  else {
    // add a header to the file:
    newData[0] = "Time:\tSensor 1\tSensor 2\tSensor 3\tSensor 4\tSensor 5";
    saveStrings("dataFile.txt", newData);

// make up a timeStamp string for writing data to the file:
String timeStamp() {
  String now = hour()+ ":" +  minute()+ ":" + second()+ " " +
    month() + "/"  + day() + "/" + year();
  return now;

Here's a Wiring/Arduino program to send some serial data that the grapher can read:

  Read in five analog sensor values, send them out
 as tab-delimited ASCCI-encoded decimal numbers,
 ended by a carriage return and newline
 created 15 Oct. 2007
void setup() {
  // iniaialize the serial port:

void loop() {
  // count from 0 to 4 (five channels):
  for (int channel=0; channel <=4; channel++) {
    // read an analog input, divide the result by 4
    // to limit it to 0-255:
    int sensorValue = analogRead(channel)/4;
    // print it:
    Serial.print(sensorValue, DEC);
    // if it's not the last channel to be read,
    // print a tab character:
    if (channel < 4) {
    // delay to let the analog-to-digital converter settle:
  // once you've printed all the values, 
  // print a newline and carriage return: