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Category: physical computing

Michael Naimark

His work ranges across video, anthrolopological documentation, perceptual research, technological research, and more.Michael’s report for the Leonardo Journal, Artslab, is a must-read for anyone interested in artwork that incorporates digital technologies. It includes information about existing and historical centers of support for such work, presenting venues, schools, and more.Michael’s Spring 2004 ITP class, “A Nonlinear History of New Media” produced a nice timeline of new media and related work and blog of their reading and discussion.

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Jen Lewin’s project page, including her thesis project, Butterfly. Jen’s documentation of her work is very thorough, including descriptions, schematics, code, notes on gears and motors, and much much more.

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From their mission statement:”ThinkCycle is an academic, non-profit initiative engaged in supporting distributed collaboration towards design challenges facing underserved communities and the environment. ThinkCycle seeks to create a culture of open source design innovation, with ongoing collaboration among individuals, communities and organizations around the world.”ThinkCycle provides a shared online space for designers, engineers, domain experts and stakeholders to discuss, exchange and construct ideas towards sustainable design solutions in critical problem domains.”Good stuff, well worth browsing through.

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