A few people have asked what I thought of the Greener Gadgets conference. The short answer is: had a good time, glad I went, it…
Comments closedCategory: environment
It’s bassically a membrane that vibrates when wind passes across it, causing it to move a pair of magnets in a coil, which then generates electricity. Though it doesn’t generate a lot of power, it could be used effectively to power remote sensors or small indicators that currently run on battery power, relatively cheaply.
Comments closedThey’re eye-catching, but I wonder how many people understand that they’re specifically recycling bins. I guess there’s a trade-off there — they may generate more mistakes, but if they collect more recyclable goods, the error is worthwhile.
Comments closedMegan MacMurray’s off on a bus tour of the US with Conscious Goods Alliance, to talk to people across the nation about alternative fuels, but consumerism, product labeling, agricultural practices, sustainable materials, and the products that are sponsoring the tour. She’ll be making video blogs of the whole trip, online at Official Bufanda (I am still confused as to what a bufanda is and how one becomes official).She’s looking in particular to interview experts in biodiesel, auto-mechanics, wind power, solar power, hydropower, organic/local/sustainable agriculture, corporate agriculture, GMO’s, hybridization and building materials – focusing on the value of unbiased but informed opinions.
Comments closedWhat do we miss by ignoring the factthat public toilets are also the site for a variety of socialpractices?’A Public Inconvenience’ will explore the experience and affect ofpublic toilets in an urban environment, in this case Amsterdam.Through observation and engagement we will consider how public toiletsare shaped by, and themselves shape, cultural practices, values, andattitudes…. That is, the placesand times that are often on the periphery of everyday life – thejourney to work or the time spent queuing in a shop.To be considered for participation, researchers and practitioners areinvited to send us a compelling public toilet story (see The Storiessection of the website for inspiration), an optional toiletphotograph, a brief biography, and a short rationale outlining yourinterest in the workshop.
Comments closedThe Environmental Leadership Program is an organization dedicated to the development of new leadership talent in environmental research and development. They “nurture a new generation of environmental leadership characterized by diversity, innovation, collaboration, and effective communications. ELP addresses the needs of relatively new environmental activists and professionals by:
Comments closedBiodesign.org.uk has some good notes on making your own solar electricity projects. They make projects for use in developing countries, with examples.
Leave a CommentThe public air quality indicator is a public display that indicates the quality of the air in a city. It’s highly localized, and a good example of an ambient display that has some practical use. The details of its construction are online and openly available as well
Comments closedA guide to sustainability in design, from Goldsmith’s college, London. Covers materials, products, principles, concepts, and environmental issues.
Comments closedTreehugger is a blog that reports on sustainability issues of all sorts: new alternate power sources, political actions, design-related issues, and more. A decent read if you’re interested in physical design and sustainability.
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