This biographical note from the Getty site, which details the project well, explains it in a nutshell:”E.A.T., an organization devoted to promoting the interaction between art and technology, developed from the philosophies of Marshall McLuhan and Buckminster Fuller…. Staff and participants explored or experimented with these and the precursors of many technologies that are now commonplace: chat lines, fax machines, lasers, cable television, and digitized graphics.”By the early 1970s, E.A.T.’s artist and engineer matching service, called the Technical Services Program, boasted 6, 000 members.
Leave a CommentCategory: art & performance
Chaos Computer Club of Berlin turned a building into a display surface for Blinkenlights. Viewers can control the display via SMS and the web.
Leave a CommentArthur Ganson has done a number of kinetic sculptures which may change the way you think about animated bodies.
Leave a CommentAmorphic Robot Works makes large-scale robotic expression by Chico MacMurtrie & co. Chico does some great kinetic sculpture and performance work.
Leave a CommentControl of spotlights in a public square, operated over the net.
Leave a CommentPerry Hoberman has done a number of interesting projects turning the computer and user interface around to make the user part of the system instead of conteoller of it.
Leave a CommentI don’t even particularly like robots, but I love the way this project visualizes invisible information (concentrations of toxins on a given site) using a technology that has been domesticated from military and industrial use into a child’s toy.Howstuffismade. This assignment, given to her design students, has grown into an excellent source of information on how various products are made, including chemical, material, labor, and political issues involved.
Leave a CommentHis work ranges across video, anthrolopological documentation, perceptual research, technological research, and more.Michael’s report for the Leonardo Journal, Artslab, is a must-read for anyone interested in artwork that incorporates digital technologies. It includes information about existing and historical centers of support for such work, presenting venues, schools, and more.Michael’s Spring 2004 ITP class, “A Nonlinear History of New Media” produced a nice timeline of new media and related work and blog of their reading and discussion.
Leave a CommentKelly Heaton did some interesting physical pixel projects at the MIT Media Lab.
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