I’ve been collecting notes and ideas on open source hardware (and open fabrication in general) and sustainable technology development for awhile now, and over the next few weeks I’ll finally get a chance to try them out in a couple of presentations. In February I’ll be presenting at the Tangible and Embedded Interaction conference in Cambridge, UK. Looks like there’s a good lineup of other presenters there too, including Ayah Bdeir, Leah Buechley, Durrell Bishop, Timo Arnall, and Einar Martinussen, among others.
Following TEI is a trip to Shenzen, China, hosted by Bunnie Huang of Chumby. He’s bringing a few of us who are working on open hardware/open fabrication projects to see the factories and markets they work with there. I’m eager to get a sense of what it’s actually like there.
After Shenzen I’m going to Japan for a symposium on ubiquitous content and smart cities and environment, hosted by Keio University’s new Graduate School of Media Design.
Following Tokyo is San Jose, CA, for O’Reilly’s Emerging Technology conference. I’ve been going to Etech for several years, and I always have a great time there. This year I’m really excited, they’ve gathered a great group. I’m doing a hands-on RFID workshop, as well as a talk called Open Fabrication and the Environment, or Taking Spime Apart. There’s a ton of other great talks at Etech this year, from folks like the aforementioned Leah Buechley (we seem to be following each other around the world), Jennifer Magnolfi of Herman Miller on Programmable Work Environments, Raffi Krikorian on Wattzon, Drew Endy on open source biology, and a whole lot more.
After that, home for a bit, I hope.
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